Urgent – American statement regarding what is happening to Baha’is

Urgent – An American statement regarding what is happening to the Baha’is, as the United States of America denounced the desecration of more than 30 graves of the Baha’i religious minority in Tehran, and condemned the Islamic Republic’s persecution of this religion.

Baha’i News – The United States of America denounced the desecration of more than 30 graves of the Baha’i religious minority in Tehran, and condemned the Islamic Republic’s persecution of this community.

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The US State Department’s Office for International Religious Freedom issued a statement saying: “We condemn the authorities’ destruction of 30 graves in the Khabaran cemetery near Tehran this week.” Baha’is in Iran continue to face violations of their rights to funerals and burials.

We are also witnessing the regime dramatically increasing the confiscation of Baha’i property and using show trials to impose long prison sentences on Baha’is. We will continue to use all available means to combat the Iranian regime’s human rights violations.”

According to a statement issued by the Baha’i International Faith, the authorities of the Islamic Republic removed grave markers and bulldozed the burial site, erasing evidence of the burial.

This action by the government follows a two-year pattern of forcibly burying Baha’is who died in the Kfaran cemetery, depriving their families of the right to hold funerals and not observing Baha’i burial customs.

Before the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Baha’i faith in Tehran owned 80,000 square meters of cemeteries in the Kafaran area and 1.5 million square meters in the Kabir Abad area of the capital.

Both cemeteries were confiscated by the new Islamic Republic in the 1980s, and at least 15,000 graves in Huvalan were demolished.

The government has escalated its campaign against members of the Baha’i faith, falsely imprisoning dozens of people over the past year, depriving them of access to higher education and livelihoods, and confiscating or destroying their personal property….More

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Urgent, American statement, What is happening to the Baha’is, The United States of America denounced the desecration of more than 30 graves, The Baha’i religious minority in Tehran, Persecution of the Islamic Republic, Office of International Religious Freedom of the US Department of State

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