What is God’s new religion

What is God’s new religion, what is the newest heavenly religion, for everyone who asks about this religion. In this article, I will provide you with a quick explanation of the doctrine that provides solutions to the problems of this era.

For everyone who asks about this religion. In this article, I will provide you with a quick explanation of the Baha’i Faith, and then we will continue in the coming chapters to present more and more treasures of the latest heavenly religions that provide solutions to all the problems of the age.

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Baha’i religion
Who among us has not heard about the Baha’i religion, from your neighbor, friend, family member, or on television, radio, or the Internet? Whether you have heard or not, follow our episodes to learn from real sources what the new religion of God is.

The origins of the Bahá’í Faith go back to Persia, i.e. in Iran in 1844. Bahá’ís believe that the founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892), is the latest in a line of messengers of God that include Abraham, Moses, Krishna Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad.

Yes, they believe that the divine flow continues throughout the ages, which makes them not fanatical about other religions before and after them.

Baha’is worship one God and perform prayers, supplications, and monologues.

Baha’i prayer
The Bahá’í prayer is divided into three prayers: the minor, the middle, and the major, and each has a specific time. The minor and major prayers are performed once a day, and the middle prayer three times a day. Prayer in the Baha’i religion is individual, and there is no collective prayer other than prayer for the dead. In addition to fasting, prayer is considered obligatory and is one of the greatest duties of the individual Bahá’í.

The purpose of prayer is to enhance communication, praise and thanksgiving to God and to develop the strongest forms of submission and supplication to the Creator.

Baha’is believe in the teachings of two successive messengers from God, the first being the Báb.

It was the Báb who heralded the coming of the Messenger and founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh.

Baha’is believe in all previous divine books.

Conditions for Baha’i marriage

They marry according to the conditions of Baha’i marriage, which is reaching the age of majority, and the consent of the spouses and their children must be approved, and they must recite the verses designated for this occasion, and the marriage contract must be documented by witnesses.

The Bahá’í Faith believes in the oneness of God and acknowledges all of His prophets and messengers

The Bahá’í Faith establishes in people’s minds the principle of unity and integration of the entire human race, declares the necessity and inevitability of the union of human beings in all parts of the world of different sects and races, and confirms that they are gradually approaching it.

The unity of the human race
It is one of the basic principles announced by Bahá’u’lláh, which is the principle of the unity of the human race, and it is the axis around which the other Bahá’í teachings revolve.
His Holiness focused on this principle and considered it the basic element in building the edifice of world peace and justice and the effective means in building the divine civilization that the prophets and apostles spoke about and the visionaries and poets sang about in their visions, generation after generation. By applying this principle, many of the problems and issues that humanity suffers from can be solved, thus accelerating the fulfillment of the divine promises and prophecies mentioned in the texts of the Holy Books….More
Article writer
Bahia Bekkali
Journalist and writer at ABN NEWS Media Foundation
Contact:  bahiabekkali@abnnews.net

The new religion of God, Baha’i faith, the latest heavenly religions, the Baha’i religion, the Baha’i faith, heavenly religions, solutions to all the problems of the age

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