Women’s education is a catalyst for social progress

La Paz, Bolivia – Baha’i World News/A recent forum hosted by Bolivia’s Baha’i Office of External Relations brought together government officials, civil society leaders, academics and journalists to explore the central role of women’s education to social progress.

The discussion highlighted the importance of ensuring equal educational opportunities for men and women as a fundamental aspect of justice. The conversation went a step further, however, emphasizing the need to embed the principle of equality into the fabric of society

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“Human progress is inseparable from its commitment to equality,” said Rosmery Chambi of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Ms. Chambi added that when the principle of equality is truly applied in different areas of life, it promotes equal opportunities and empowers women “to become active agents of social well-being”.

Participants noted that the challenge of achieving equal access to education is not just a barrier but reflects deeper, pervasive inequalities within society.

Bidya Vargas, V director of the Coumala Community Mental Health Association, emphasized the cyclical nature of the challenge. She noted that historical barriers to education for women and girls are not only a symptom of inequality but also a source of it.

However, Ms. Vargas draws on the Baha’i teaching that the soul has no gender to offer a hopeful perspective. “Baha’i teachings state that there are no inherent differences between women and men and that both have the ability to contribute to the advancement of society.”

Janette Huallpa, representative of the Bolivian Women’s Coordinator, drew attention to the clear gender education disparities identified by the organization’s research. Particularly in rural areas, illiteracy rates are significantly higher among women than among men, a disparity that sheds light on broader issues of poverty and violence that disproportionately affect women and girls.

Education is a force for change,” said Ms. Valpa. “It not only expands women’s opportunities to share their insights and enriches their contributions to society, but also plays a key role in eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality and promoting economic growth. . “

An important takeaway from the discussion is the recognition that intellectual education, although important, represents only one aspect of a comprehensive approach to education. “Spiritual education is both important and complementary to academic learning,” Ms. Chambi explained.

She added: “True development encompasses the spiritual and material aspects of the individual. Insights from religion, such as the essential unity of humanity, enable us to overcome cultural and social differences and contribute to the creation of a more unified and just society .”

To construct a more equitable society, profound changes are necessary in the existing social order, said Xavier Saire, a representative of the Multidisciplinary Educational Center. “Empowering only women is not enough; empowering men is not enough either. Rather, we must seek a deep transformation of societal structures themselves.”

Participants noted that the forum was an important space enabling diverse social actors to reflect on how such a transformation can occur. Yascara Terrazas, legal advisor to the Association of Women Councilors and Mayors of Bolivia, asked: “Who are the protagonists of change?

“We all are—government, families, and society at large,” she explained. “While obstacles are inevitable on this journey, discussions like this are crucial for forging new paths and cra.

Source/ BWNS

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