Statement by the Baha’i Community at the 55th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

The Baha’i International Community said in a statement before the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, that it “reiterates its call for the immediate release of five Yemeni Baha’is who have been detained for nearly 10 months after they Houthi armed groups attacked a peaceful gathering of the Baha’i minority and arrested 17 people.

Baha’i News – The Baha’i International Community renewed its call to the Houthis to release five Baha’is who have been arbitrarily detained in the sect’s prisons for ten months. This came during a statement by the Baha’i International Community before the fifty-fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The statement added that since then, after international pressure, 12 members of the Baha’i faith have been released, while the remaining five are still detained in the group’s prison in Sanaa, for religious reasons only, without being tried or following legal procedures.

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Baha’is are under constant surveillance
The Baha’i community explained that the 12 Baha’is who were released are under constant surveillance, their safety is threatened and their freedom of movement is restricted. They were forced to sign a pledge for their release and then forced to participate in an indoctrination program aimed at encouraging Baha’is to renounce their faith.
The statement pointed out that the sad irony is that the Houthis are trying to portray themselves as defenders of the oppressed while they continue to relentlessly persecute their people.

The ongoing efforts of the Special Envoy for Yemen
In its statement, the Baha’i Community praised the ongoing efforts of the Special Envoy for Yemen, with the decisive participation of all parties, to secure a UN-backed road map to end the civil war in Yemen.
She said that ensuring the full participation of all segments of Yemeni society, including the Baha’i faith, “is essential to building lasting peace and promoting the well-being of all Yemenis.”…More
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Statement of the Baha’i Community, 55th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Baha’i International Community, Immediate release of five Yemeni Baha’is, Detained Baha’is, Baha’i minority, Baha’i News, Baha’i International Community, Five of the detained Baha’is, Statement of the Baha’i International Community

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