Exploring the contribution of the Bahá’í international Community to the improvement of the world

In conversation: Exploring the contribution of the Bahá’í international community to the improvement of the world

The podcast explores the history and evolution of the BIC and its contribution to discourse related to the future and well-being of mankind.

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Bahá’í World Center – This podcast episode from the Bahá’í World News Service explores the history and evolution of the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) over decades, as well as its current work and its contribution to discourse about the future and well-being of humanity.

Guests of the episode will include representatives of several BIC offices, including Addis Ababa, Brussels, Cairo, Geneva and New York. Their account highlights the BIC’s commitment to promote the principle of oneness of humanity in diverse international forums.

The podcast explores some of the BIC’s contributions to key world conferences and cooperation with various UN agencies over the past decades to contribute to the advancement of thinking in many areas, including social development, women’s progress, climate change, governance, UN reform, and human rights.

Representatives of the BIC said that the BIC’s contribution to discussions in international forums contributes to the nurturing of a peaceful and vibrant community, how on the experience gained by the global Bahá’í community they have nurtured a new generation that is empowered to take constructive action in harmony with the needs of their society and for the common good.

The podcast highlights the urgency of collective action when discussing the interconnectedness of global challenges, such as climate change and the need for a unified approach to peace and security. The discussions will be directed towards the future direction, including the upcoming 2024 future Summit of the United Nations, where participants will be reflected in the role of international structures in addressing contemporary challenges.

In the final comment of the episode, Bani Dugal, Bic’s UN representative, said: “We can continue these unimaginable horrors of war and conflict. We need that political will, and humanity needs to stand up and say, “We want peace now.”’”….More

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the Bahá’í International Community ,to the betterment of the world,the BIC ,BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE, Bahá’í World News Service

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