The Bahá’ís are the founder of the Bahá’í Faith and followers of Bahá’u’lláh, who was sent by God on this appointed day to proclaim the Oneness of God, the unity of religions, and the unity of mankind.
Moroccan Bahá’ís
Moroccan Bahá’ís come from a variety of Moroccan origins and belong to various social classes and levels. They are distributed in many cities from the north to the south of Morocco. Despite belonging to the Bahá’í international community, they value their citizenship and adhere to their Moroccan identity.
Bahá’í community in Morocco
The existence of the Bahá’í community in Morocco dates back to 1952, when Bahá’í immigrant families of various origins gradually settled in the country. The quick and smooth integration of these immigrants into Moroccan society was due to the welcome and open-mindedness they found in Moroccans. They did not hesitate to spread the Bahá’í message to all their neighbors, colleagues, and acquaintances. Their hopeful words and pure deeds left a deep impression on their hearts.
The presence of the Baha’i Faith in Morocco dates back to 1952 and 1953, when immigrant Baha’i families of various origins gradually settled in the country. Out of a deep conviction of its importance to all humanity, they spontaneously proclaimed the divine message as part of their natural and spontaneous interactions with the Moroccans they knew and lived with. Some of them embraced the Baha’i Faith and formed the nucleus of the Moroccan Baha’i community. The latter’s subsequent development is the result of the organic and positive growth Morocco experienced during the period that shaped its modern history from independence to the present.
Bahá’ís were arrested in Nador
In April 1962, 14 Bahá’ís were arrested in Nador. This occurred during the transition from protectorate to independence, a very sensitive period of institutional and civil society building. At such a time, it was natural to view with suspicion and skepticism everything that was alien to the country’s culture and belief system.
After the various verdicts were handed down, including three death sentences, a wave of social dialogue took place between those who supported and those who rejected the verdicts. The late King Hassan II even made it clear that he would use his power to pardon them if they were eventually indicted; in December 1963, the Supreme Judicial Council ruled that all indictments were null and void and acquitted the detainees without referral.
the Baha’i community in Morocco
The ordeal experienced by the Baha’i community in Morocco is noteworthy because it has provoked a broad social debate on religious freedom and human rights in contemporary Morocco. There were many pens, platforms, and voices defending the Baha’i, and their defense was one of the building blocks of a nation of freedom, truth, and law.
The Moroccan Baha’i community continued to grow in an optimistic society hopeful for construction and progress. Local spiritual assemblies were formed, followed by the Moroccan Bahá’í Central Spiritual Assembly. The Central Spiritual Assembly is the governing body for Bahá’í religious, social, and educational affairs at the local and national levels, and is re-elected each year on the feast of Radwan, which falls on the last three days of April in the Gregorian calendar…..More
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.Women’s education is a catalyst for social progress
Baha’i faith in Morocco, the Baha’i religion in Morocco, who are the Baha’is in Morocco, the history of the existence of the Baha’i religion in Morocco, the Baha’i religion in Morocco, the Moroccan Baha’i religion, Baha’i News, Moroccan Baha’is